Leila Zelli, Ciel et ballon, 2019, animated video, color, sound, 1 min 30 s
Source : UNHCR, ajoutée le 13 juin 2014, Syrian Refugee Girls’ Football Team , 2 min 14 s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8ZY60wIDz4, extract of 5 s.
Sound : https://freesound.org/s/371377/
First shown
in the exhibition Leila Zelli : Terrain de jeux (2019) at Galerie de l'UQÀM,
- Exhibited at the Foire d'art actuel de Québec, curated by Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau, Chapelle des Jésuites, Québec, June 30 to May 2
- Presented at En bonne compagnie, invited by Sophie Jodoin, Galerie Bradley Ertaskiran, Montreal, July 11 to August 22
Collection of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Ciel et ballon is taken from a report produced by the United Nations High Commission in 2014. A twelve-year-old Syrian refugee talks about her new passion for soccer, a sport she discovered at the Zaatari camp in Jordan.
By altering the framing and producing an off-screen effect by adding the sound of children playing, the artist creates a familiar imaginary space in which our relationship to the Other through media images, as well as the relationship between war and imposed religion, are questioned.

View of the installation at the Leila Zelli exhibition Playground, 2019, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montreal
Photo : La Galerie de l’UQÀM